(번역 - Microsoft) 나는 당신이 추가 할 수있는 게임을 생각, 당신은 그 게임이 추측 라는 것을 알고 누가? 그것은 너무 좋았다, 당신은 게임의 시리즈를 요청하여 자신의 차에 누가 추측해야 할 것이다. 넣어주세요. 감사
(원본) new game
i thought of a game you could add, you know that game called Guess who? it was soo good, you would have to guess who the oppoenent has on their cars by asking a series of games. please put that on. Thanks
i thought of a game you could add, you know that game called Guess who? it was soo good, you would have to guess who the oppoenent has on their cars by asking a series of games. please put that on. Thanks
글쓴이 Sumna
2006-09-10 01:44:21
(번역 - Microsoft) 당신의 제안은 좋다. 나는 우리가 우리의 사이트에 비슷한 게임을 넣을 수 있다고 생각합니다.
(원본) Your suggestion is good. I think we can put a similar game in our site.
글쓴이 Novel Games
2006-09-10 10:55:24