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2007-03-11 13:39:31
We have updated the search engine so that it will show more relevent results on the game pages.
0000-00-00 00:00:00
We have updated the high scores table of the Small Flash Games. If your score is high enough to enter the high scores table then you can view you rank immediately.
2007-02-21 20:11:30
We have included a simple search engine in this website for you to search for our games more easily
2007-02-07 23:58:30
We have updated the web page so that IE7 can detect the presence of RSS feeds. A bug with Chinese versions of the feed has also been fixed.
2007-01-29 23:38:52
We have upgraded the server and now our web site should be faster.
2007-01-27 21:02:49
We have added links to the game tips in the games.
2006-11-23 12:19:49
We have fixed a bug regarding high scores recording in the Small Flash Games.
2006-11-21 12:00:43
We've updated the Quality Flash Games to include a buy button on the title page, so that you can buy the game more conveniently
2006-11-21 11:57:28
We've updated the architecture of the downloadable games so that they run faster
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