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讨论区 > 游戏技巧和提示


作者 Piotr Grochowski
2023-07-11 04:00:36
Piotr Grochowski
(由 Microsoft 翻译) 与每场比赛都保持不变的井字游戏不同,Notakto 变得越来越疯狂,使其极难掌握。但是,玩家可以在第一个玩家和第二个玩家之间进行选择,这可以对玩家有利。

玩家需要启动 32 个并行的 Notakto 实例。玩家观看所有广告,这使得Novel游戏赚得更多,这可能使Notakto成为Novel游戏最赚钱的游戏之一。

在第一级中,将 32 个并行实例分组为 16 对。在每对中,选择一个游戏中的第一个玩家和另一个游戏中的第二个玩家。然后在两个选项卡之间切换,并始终跟随另一个选项卡中的计算机移动。这最终将导致 16 个实例您失去第一关,其他 16 个实例是您赢得第一关的实例。

关闭 16 个失败实例后,将已完成第一级的 16 个实例分组为 8 对,为第二级做准备。在每对中,选择一个游戏中的第一个玩家和另一个游戏中的第二个玩家。然后在两个选项卡之间切换,并始终跟随另一个选项卡中的计算机移动。这最终将导致 8 个实例您输掉第二关,其他 8 个实例是您赢得第二关的实例。

关闭 8 个失败实例后,将已完成第二关的 8 个实例分组为 4 对,为第三关做准备。在每对中,选择一个游戏中的第一个玩家和另一个游戏中的第二个玩家。然后在两个选项卡之间切换,并始终跟随另一个选项卡中的计算机移动。这最终将导致您失去第三关的 4 个实例,从而获得两颗星,而其他 4 个实例是您赢得第三关的情况。

关闭两颗星的4个实例后,将完成第三关的4个实例分成2对,为第四关做准备。在每对中,选择一个游戏中的第一个玩家和另一个游戏中的第二个玩家。然后在两个选项卡之间切换,并始终跟随另一个选项卡中的计算机移动。这最终将导致 2 个实例,您输掉第四关,从而获得两颗星,另外 2 个实例是您赢得第四关的情况。

关闭两颗星的2个实例后,将已完成第三关的2个实例分组为一对,为第五关做准备。选择一个游戏中的第一个玩家和另一个游戏中的第二个玩家。然后在两个选项卡之间切换,并始终跟随另一个选项卡中的计算机移动。这样做的最终结果是其中一个实例将失去第五级,从而产生三颗星。另一个实例将全部清除并获得四星或五颗星,具体取决于总时间是否在 60 秒内。要减少游戏过程中的时间,您可以使用 TIME 道机,如果您在游戏结束时以低于 60 秒的方式减少时间,这将产生 5 星。

总之,要掌握越来越疯狂的游戏,您必须启动 32 个实例,并在每个级别中以指数方式减少它们,利用 TIME 功率在最后达到 60 秒以下。
(原文) Notakto: winning by parallelism

Unlike Tic Tac Toe, which remains the same every game, Notakto gets progressively crazier, making it extremely difficult to master. However, the player can choose between first player and second player, which can be used to the player's advantage.

The player needs to start 32 parallel instances of Notakto. The player watches through all of the ads, which makes Novel Games more money, which might make Notakto one of the most lucrative games for Novel Games.

In the first level, group the 32 parallel instances into 16 pairs. In each pair, select first player in one game and second player in another. Then switch between the two tabs and follow the computer moves in the other tab at all times. This will eventually result in 16 instances where you lose the first level, and the other 16 instances are where you win the first level.

After closing the 16 losing instances, group the 16 instances that have completed the first level into 8 pairs to prepare for the second level. In each pair, select first player in one game and second player in another. Then switch between the two tabs and follow the computer moves in the other tab at all times. This will eventually result in 8 instances where you lose the second level, and the other 8 instances are where you win the second level.

After closing the 8 losing instances, group the 8 instances that have completed the second level into 4 pairs to prepare for the third level. In each pair, select first player in one game and second player in another. Then switch between the two tabs and follow the computer moves in the other tab at all times. This will eventually result in 4 instances where you lose the third level, resulting in two stars, and the other 4 instances are where you win the third level.

After closing the 4 instances of two stars, group the 4 instances that have completed the third level into 2 pairs to prepare for the fourth level. In each pair, select first player in one game and second player in another. Then switch between the two tabs and follow the computer moves in the other tab at all times. This will eventually result in 2 instances where you lose the fourth level, resulting in two stars, and the other 2 instances are where you win the fourth level.

After closing the 2 instances of two stars, group the 2 instances that have completed the third level into one pair to prepare for the fifth level. Select first player in one game and second player in another. Then switch between the two tabs and follow the computer moves in the other tab at all times. The final result of this is that one of the instances will lose the fifth level, resulting in three stars. The other instance will all clear and get four or five stars, depending on whether the total time is within 60 seconds. To decrease the time during the game, you can use the TIME power up, which will result in 5 stars if you reduce in such a way that the time is under 60 seconds at the end of the game.

In conclusion, to master the progressively crazier game, you have to launch 32 instances and exponentially decrease them with each level, utilizing the TIME power up to get under 60 seconds at the end.
作者 Piotr Grochowski
2023-07-11 04:00:36


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