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討論區 > 遊戲技巧和提示


作者 Novel Games
2008-01-10 15:50:51
Novel Games
(由 Microsoft 翻譯) 有許多方法可以解決魔方,但它們都涉及使用公式來移動方塊。有些解決方案需要使用 50 多個公式,這相當難學。以下是已故吳世成先生發明的一套3個公式,這套公式很容易學習和記憶。請注意,需要很多動作,你不能很快解決這個謎題,但最終你將能夠解決它。


  1. 將一個面的四個角移至正確的方向(您不需要任何公式)
  2. 使用公式 A 將其餘四個角移動到其正確位置,但不一定以正確的方向移動。
  3. 使用公式 B 將剩餘的角塊旋轉到正確的方向。現在所有八個角都應該是正確的。
  4. 使用公式 C 將邊移動到正確的位置。

現在從公式 A 開始,該公式交換 3 個角塊的位置:


公式 A 如下所示:


將底部面的角塊移動到正確的位置(但不一定以正確的方向)後,可以應用公式 B 逆時針旋轉塊:

公式 B 如下:


完成所有 8 個角後,應使用公式 C 處理邊,公式 C 以逆時針方向交換邊上 3 個塊的位置:

公式 C 如下所示:


使用公式 C 時,有時您會面臨不正確的塊不在同一面的情況,在這種情況下,您需要進行額外的移動,以在應用公式 C 之前將不正確的塊移動到同一面。
(原文) A Simple Set of Formulas for Magic Cube

There are many ways to solve Rubik's Cube, but they all involve the use of formulas to move the blocks. Some solutions require the use of more than 50 formulas which is rather difficult to learn. The following is a set of 3 formulas invented by late Mr. Ngai Shing Lee, and this set of formulas is easy to learn and remember. Note that a lot of moves is needed and you cannot solve the puzzle extremely quickly, but eventually you will be able to solve it.

The basic concept is to solve the corners first and then the edges. This is based on a simple observation that moving the middle rows alone will not disrupt the corners.

The basic procedure is as follows:
  1. Move the four corners of one face to their correct positions and correct orientations (you should not need any formulas for this)
  2. Use formula A to move the remaining four corners to their correct positions but not necessarily in correct orientations
  3. Use formula B to rotate the remaining corner blocks to their correct orientations. Now all eight corners should be correct
  4. Use formula C to move the edges to their correct positions
All three formulas will move the blocks in the bottom face while keeping the top face intact. The basic step in the formulas is to "remove a block from the top face and then put it back".

Now start with formula A, which swaps the positions of 3 corner blocks:

(For easy demonstration, the result shown above is starting with a solved cube)

Formula A goes as follows:

Note that the first 3 steps involve the removal of the lower right corner of the top face, and the remaining steps are to put it back. You can also apply a variation of this formula which removes and puts back the lower left corner of the top face to achieve a similar effect for the top left, bottom left and bottom right blocks on the bottom face.

After you have finished moving the corner blocks of the bottom face to their correct positions (but not necessarily in correct orientations), you can apply formula B to rotate the blocks counterclockwise:

Formula B goes as follows:

Note that the first 3 steps involve the removal of the lower right corner of the top face, and the remaining steps are to put it back. If you apply a variation of this formula, the top left, bottom left and bottom right blocks in the bottom face will be rotated clockwise.

After you have finished all the 8 corners, you should deal with the edges using formula C, which swaps the positions of 3 blocks on the edge in a counterclockwise direction:

Formula C goes as follows:

Note that the first 3 steps involve the removal of the lower middle block, and the remaining steps are to put it back. You can also apply a variation of this formula to swap the positions of the blocks in a clockwise direction by swapping the left and right rotations as shown above.

When using formula C, sometimes you will face a situation that the incorrect blocks are not on the same face, and in this case you will need to make extra moves to move the incorrect blocks to the same face before applying formula C.
作者 Novel Games
2008-01-10 15:50:51


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