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討論區 > 遊戲技巧和提示


作者 Novel Games
2008-06-16 11:15:44
Novel Games
(由 Microsoft 翻譯) 這個遊戲不需要猜測,也不需要使用複雜的邏輯。所有你需要做的就是按照以下6個動作:
  1. 如果建築物旁邊的道路數已等於建築物上標記的路數,則交叉掉其餘邊緣。
  2. 如果未劃掉的邊數等於建築物上標記的邊數,請用道路標記其餘邊。
  3. 如果道路的開口只有一個方向,則用道路標記該方向。
  4. 穿過連接道路中間的邊緣。
  5. 如果穿過通往交點的剩餘邊緣(其餘一條)外的所有邊,則劃掉其餘邊。
  6. 如果用道路標記邊緣將形成過早的迴圈,則將該邊穿過。
但是,移動 4、5 和 6 很容易被忽視。請考慮以下佈局的範例:

套用移動 1:

套用移動 2:

套用移動 3:

套用移動 1:

套用移動 5:

套用移動 2:

套用移動 1 與 4:

套用移動 2 和 3:

套用移動 1 與 4:

套用移動 2 和 3:

套用移動 1 與 4:

套用移動 2 和 3:

套用移動 1 與 4:

繼續應用移動 1、2、3 和 4:

繼續套用移動 1、2、3 與 4,您將到達:

套用移動 6:

套用移動 3:

套用移動 6:

套用移動 3:

套用動作 1 與 3 完成遊戲:

(原文) Basic Moves in Loop the City

This game does not require guesses nor the use of complex logic. All you need to do is to follow the 6 moves below:
  1. If the number of roads beside a building is already equal to the number marked on the building, cross out the remaining edges
  2. If the number of edges that are not crossed out is equal to the number marked on the building, mark the remaining edges with roads
  3. If an opening of a road has only one direction, mark that direction with a road
  4. Cross out the edges joining the middle of the road
  5. If all but one of the remaining edges leading to an intersection is crossed, cross out the remaining edge
  6. If marking an edge with a road will form a premature loop, cross that edge out
However, moves 4, 5 and 6 are easily overlooked. Consider an example with the following layout:

Apply move 1:

Apply move 2:

Apply move 3:

Apply move 1:

Apply move 5:

Apply move 2:

Apply moves 1 and 4:

Apply moves 2 and 3:

Apply moves 1 and 4:

Apply moves 2 and 3:

Apply moves 1 and 4:

Apply moves 2 and 3:

Apply moves 1 and 4:

Continue to apply moves 1, 2, 3 and 4:

Continue to apply moves 1, 2, 3 and 4, and you will arrive at:

Apply move 6:

Apply move 3:

Apply move 6:

Apply move 3:

Apply moves 1 and 3 to finish the puzzle:

作者 Novel Games
2008-06-16 11:15:44


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