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作者 Cardude
2007-11-22 05:04:55
(由 Microsoft 翻译) 得到 "加载高分" 和摊位。我可以取消和玩游戏 (小行星和磁盘拍摄), 但当我登录它停滞加载高分。使用 Windowsxp 与 Ie 6, 删除的 cookies 和缓存, 重新安装的闪存, 仍然什么都没有。
(原文) still not loading high scores?

gets to "loading high scores" and stalls. I can cancel and play game (asteroids & disk shooting) but when I log on it stalls at loading high scores. Using WindowsXP with IE 6, deleted cookies & cache, re-installed flash, still nothing.
作者 Cardude
2007-11-22 05:04:55
(由 Microsoft 翻译) 感谢您提供您的信息。但真的没有办法,分数不能加载,这真的很奇怪。你能尝试一些其他游戏, 看看分数可以加载吗?
(原文) Thank you for your information. But there is really no way that the scores cannot be loaded, this is really strange. Can you try some other games to see if the scores can be loaded?
作者 Novel Games
2007-11-22 09:34:56
回答 #2:
(由 Microsoft 翻译) 我认为它必须是互联网浏览器的版本。我有 Vista 的 Ie7, 它工作正常。
(原文) I think that it must be the version of Internet Explorer. I have IE7 for Vista and it works fine.
作者 Belldandy
2007-11-25 06:32:38
(由 Microsoft 翻译) 我有个主意。从评分表中删除 q8, 看看这是否有助于加载高分
(原文) I have an idea. remove q8 from the scoring tables and see if that helps with the loading of high scores
作者 Ich der Meister
2007-11-25 06:34:02
回答 #4:
(由 Microsoft 翻译) 什么是删除 q8 以及如何删除?
都习惯了工作正常,然后停止加载高分,尝试了2台不同的电脑,不同位置的几个小 Flash 游戏都以相同的结果——去"加载高分"和摊位。
(原文) what is remove q8 and how to remove?
All used to work fine, then stopped loading high scores, tried 2 differant computers, differant locations several small flash games all to the same result- goes to "loading high scores" and stalls.
作者 Cardude
2007-11-27 23:00:20
回答 #5:
(由 Microsoft 翻译) 没有高分的加载与 q8 没有关系。我们已经测试过,它不只是在 IE6 上加载,不会加载在 IE7 和 Firefox 上,我们现在正在调查这个问题。
(原文) No the loading of high scores has nothing to do with q8. We have tested and it will not load only on IE6 and not on IE7 and Firefox, we are now investigating the issue.
作者 Novel Games
2007-11-28 09:19:46
回答 #6:
(由 Microsoft 翻译) 任何想法, 当你会得到修复。
此外, 游戏中的新图形是可爱的, 但超大的屏幕大小。你能把它们换回来吗?
(原文) Any idea when you will get fixed.
Also, new graphics in game are cute but oversized for screen size. Can you change them back.
作者 Cardude
2007-12-03 23:05:25
回答 #7:
(由 Microsoft 翻译) 超大是什么意思?我认为所有的游戏仍然和以前一样大...
(原文) What do you mean by oversized? I think all the games are still of the same size as before......
作者 Novel Games
2007-12-04 09:12:33
(由 Microsoft 翻译) 我们已经解决了问题,高分现在应该加载到 IE 6 中。
(原文) We have fixed the problem, the high scores should now be loaded in IE 6.
作者 Novel Games
2007-12-05 09:01:56
回答 #9:
(由 Microsoft 翻译) 谢谢, 我可以玩 Ie 6, 但现在我不喜欢游戏与新的图形。船太大了, ufo 是大, 我更喜欢老游戏。你能把它带回来吗?
(原文) thank you I can play on IE 6, but now I don't like the game with the new graphics. Ship is too large and ufo is to big, I liked the old game better. Can you bring it back?
作者 Cardude
2007-12-05 12:56:52
回答 #10:
(由 Microsoft 翻译) 嗯。。。不, 我们不会把它带回来的。如果你数翅膀,那么船的大小应该和以前一样大。不过,UFO的障碍物可能更大。
(原文) Hmm... no we will not bring it back. If you count the wings then the ship should be around the same size as before. The UFO's and obstacles might be larger, though.
作者 Novel Games
2007-12-05 15:38:57
回答 #11:
(由 Microsoft 翻译) 船更大,不能飞过 ufo 导弹。游戏不再有趣。我想我不会玩了。
(原文) ship is larger, can not fly past ufo missiles. Game is no longer fun. I guess I will just not play anymore.
作者 Cardude
2007-12-06 00:44:05
回答 #12:
(由 Microsoft 翻译) 为什么不呢?新颖的游戏是玩得开心, 而不是试图设置高分。即使其他人有高分, 你可能没有达到, 仍然有一个点玩, 因为它的乐趣, 对不对?
(原文) Why not? Novel games is about having a good time, not about trying to set high scores. Even if other people have high scores that you may not reach, there's still a point in playing because its fun, right?
作者 Belldandy
2007-12-10 11:15:47
回答 #13:
(由 Microsoft 翻译) 乐趣是一个挑战。当游戏结束得如此之快时, 游戏就不再具有挑战性了。
曾经得分在 20,000, 因为一直不能超过 15,000 。当你不能最好地自我,或者有机会打败别人时,乐趣就消失了。它现在只是令人沮丧, 没有建立肾上腺素或延长发挥熟练的马努夫和运气, 它只是打破一些岩石被 ufo 拍打。
(原文) fun is a challenge. game is no longer challenging when game ends so fast.
Used to score in 20,000 and since have not been able to get past 15,000. The fun is gone when you cannot best your self, or have a chance at beating others. It is now just frustrating, no build up of adrenalin or extended play by skillful manuvering and luck, it is just break some rocks get zapped by ufo.
作者 Cardude
2007-12-11 11:14:17
回答 #14:
(由 Microsoft 翻译) 实际上你指的是哪些游戏?
(原文) Actually which games are you refering to?
作者 Novel Games
2007-12-12 09:21:52
回答 #15:
(由 Microsoft 翻译) 小行星是游戏。我试过很多次来习惯新游戏,但无法接近旧版本的分数。前几天,我在网上找到了旧版本,并且玩得和以往一样,分数在16到18,000之间。非常有趣的,即使它不会注册高分。高分就像表现良好的奖励, 但不是我打球的唯一原因。
(原文) Asteroids is the game. I have tried many times to get used to the new game but cannot come close to scores on old version. The other day I found online the old version and was playing as well as ever with scores in the 16 to 18,000 range. Very fun even though it would not register high scores. Posting high scores is like the reward for doing well, but not the only reason I play.
作者 Cardude
2007-12-13 22:56:34
回答 #16:
(由 Microsoft 翻译) 虽然 "乐趣" 的定义是任意的, 但您必须接受事物不断被取代...我怀疑你会想一个奔腾 Ii 电脑, 当现在有核心 2 二重奏。进步是积极的 (比超级马里奥兄弟更难击败光环 3) 。我只是觉得,即使游戏已经改变了,它并没有真正影响游戏那么多。最后,"挑战"正在上升,并面对一些东西,即使你知道这是困难的。挑战在于学习如何适应和改变你的阶层,以提高你的绩效。直到下次...
(原文) While it is true that the definition of 'fun' is arbitrary, and you have to accept that things are constantly being replaced...I doubt you would like a Pentium II computer when there are Core 2 Duos out now. Progress is positive (it is more difficult to beat Halo 3 than Super Mario Bros.). I simply think that even though the game has changed, it doesn't really impact gameplay that much. Finally, 'challenge' is rising up and facing something even when you know it to be difficult. Challenge is learning how to adapt and change your stratagy to improve your performance. Until next time...
作者 Belldandy
2007-12-15 11:17:47
回答 #17:
(由 Microsoft 翻译) 当你改变的东西, 以至于它不像原来的, 那么那会是什么?如果你在香草奶昔中加入巧克力, 它仍然是香草奶昔吗?只有向那些寻求玩耍的人提出有趣的挑战,进步才能是积极的。当游戏的基本概念更改为与原始概念没有相似性时,变化不是正面的。因此,我建议修改小行星名称,以反映游戏的变化。也许 "ufo 爆破器" 或 "外星火灾死亡" 的变化不是积极的, 当它减损玩家的观点。
这些小型 Flash 游戏大多数都有加速游戏,这剥夺了玩家延长游戏时间。这最有利于生成"点击"以重播。精细的平衡是游戏的时机, 让肾上腺素将促进更多的发挥。小行星已经失去了这一点,通过消除加速度有ufo杀死你之前,这个匆忙发生。宠物接受负和正强化训练。如果他们玩得开心, 你惩罚他们, 他们停止有乐趣。如果他们做错了,而你赞美他们,他们将继续做错事。
至于我, 我因为试图玩游戏而受到惩罚, 但因为我的努力而被杀, 所以我将停止玩游戏。
(原文) When you change something to the extent that it resembles not the original, then what would that be? If you add chocolate to a vanilla shake, is it still a vanilla shake? Progress can only be positive if it promotes an interesting challenge to those who seek to play. Change is not positive when the basic concept of the game changes to the point of no similarity to the original. Therefore I suggest that Asteroids name be changed to reflect the change in play. Perhaps "ufo blaster" or "death by alien fire" Change is not positive when it detracts from the player’s perspective.
Most of these small flash games have an accelerating game play, which denies a player from extended playtime. This is most advantageous for generating “clicks” to replay. The fine balance is the timing of the game to get the adrenaline going to promote more play. Asteroids has lost this by eliminating the acceleration by having the ufo kill you before this rush takes place. Pets are trained by negative & positive reinforcement. If they are having fun and you punish them they stop having fun. If they are doing wrong and you praise them, they will continue to do wrong.
As for me, I am being punished by trying to play the game but getting killed for my efforts therefore I will stop playing game.
作者 Cardude
2007-12-18 23:59:08
回答 #18:
(由 Microsoft 翻译) 我知道你反应过度了。除了图形之外,小行星的游戏游戏没有太大变化。UFO很容易被打败(假设执行正确的地层)。小行星不是小说游戏的唯一游戏;其他游戏的多样性很大。如果一个人不适合你,只要尝试一些东西。 毕竟,还有其他的游戏在那里。给那些其他游戏创建类似的目的,我建议你尝试他们。最后一句话:游戏的游戏,如太空入侵者和雪球决斗没有改变,即使升级的图形。进步是不可避免的:学会接受它。你对香草奶昔的提法相当不对,因为游戏的目标还是一样的:拍摄小行星并生存下来。同时,尝试不同的游戏。我相信它会提供同样有趣的小行星过去。(不同的游戏有不同的吸引力; 尝试一下, 看看哪一个最适合你!
(原文) I percieve you are overreacting. The gameplay to asteroids has not changed much, aside from the graphics. The UFO can be defeated easily (assuming the correct stratagies are executed). Asteroids is not the only game on Novel Games; there are a large diversity of other games. If one does not suit you, simply try something out. After all, there are other games out there. Give those other games are created for the similar purpose, I recommend you try them. And one final word: gameplay for games such as Space Invaders and Snowball Duel has not changed even with the upgraded graphics. Progress is inevitable: learn to accept it. Your references to the vanilla milkshake is rather out of perspective, for the game's objective is still the same: shoot the asteroids and survive. Meanwhile, try a different game. I'm sure it will provide the same fun asteroids used to. (Different games have different appeals; try them all out and see which one suits you best!)
作者 Belldandy, First Class Goddess
2007-12-20 08:50:18
回答 #19:
(由 Microsoft 翻译) 你的感知很差。我只是想说, 如果它坏了, 不要修复它。如果更改不受欢迎,则不更改它。奶昔比较是正确的,我仍然会喝奶昔,无论味道,但我将不再玩小行星,因为它不是乐趣和挑战。这太令人沮丧了。
(原文) Your perception is poor. I am only trying to say if it aint broke don't fix it. If the change is not welcomed then unchange it. The milkchake comparison is right on, and I would still drink the milkshake regardless of flavor but I will no longer play asteroids because it is not fun and challenging. It is just frustrating.
作者 Cardude
2007-12-21 04:42:56
回答 #20:
(由 Microsoft 翻译) 不要批评别人的意见。就我个人而言,我同意其他被告:如果你持不同意见,试试其他游戏。你继续捍卫一个糟糕的位置;根据用户贝尔丹迪的论点, 我被迫接受这个用户有更好的点。人们必须知道什么时候在争论中退缩,现在是退缩的良时,只是放松。节日快乐!
(原文) Do not criticize the opinions of others. Personally, I concur with the other defendant: try some other games if you are in dissent. You continue to defend a poor position; based on the user Belldandy's arguments, I am forced to accept that this user has the better points. One must know when to back off on an argument, and now is a good time to back down, and simply relax. Happy Holidays!
作者 Setsuna F. Seiei, Gundam Meister
2007-12-23 07:25:28
回答 #20:
(由 Microsoft 翻译) 我明白, 我不能说服你, 否则关于阿斯特里奥德。然而,我相信,看到黑白两白的东西限制了你判断什么是好或坏的看法的能力。仅仅在论坛上评判另一个人是最不明智的。无论如何,这是你的电话;如果您不喜欢更新, 请接受它并继续前进。社会以进步为标志,无论群众喜欢与否,人们最终都会学会接受它。我不寻求改变你的想法的游戏;我只是说,还有其他的游戏在那里,站起来,以逆境是一种技能,这是最可取的。如果您有任何问题,请与我联系:我的网站是 http://www.freewebs.com/infinitezenith。 论坛线索的正确礼仪意味着发布与原始主题相关的东西,我们都违反了这一规则,发布基本上不相关的个人意识形态。对于小说游戏, 我为这种缺乏尊重的展示道歉。卡杜德, 去我的网站, 把你的电子邮件留在我的留言簿, 如果你有任何问题, 与我联系。节日快乐!
(原文) I understand that I am in no position to persuade you otherwise regarding Asteriods. However, I do believe that seeing things in black and white limit your capacity to pass judgement on what is good or bad perception. It is most unwise to judge another person merely in a forum. Anyhow, it is your call; if you don't like the update, accept it and move on. Society is marked by progress, and whether the masses like it or not, people eventually learn to accept it for what it is. I do not seek to change your ideas for the game; I am merely saying that there are other games out there, and that rising up to adversity is a skill which is most desirable. If you have any concerns, please contact me: my website is http://www.freewebs.com/infinitezenith. Proper etiquette for a forum thread means posting something that is relevant to the original subject, and we both have violated this rule by posting largely irrelevant personal ideology. To Novel Games, I apologize for this display of a lack of respect. Cardude, go to my website, leave your email in my Guestbook, and if you have any concerns, contact me. Happy Holidays!
作者 Belldandy, First Class Goddess
2007-12-24 01:40:53
回答 #22:
(由 Microsoft 翻译) 听着,我只是表达了我对这些变化的看法,并要求把它改回来。我试过其他游戏, 发现一些我喜欢的。我只是不再玩小行星了, 因为它不再有趣了。玩游戏没道理。不是赢或失去, 使游戏的乐趣, 但能力赶上行动。我为被卷入这个字符串而道歉, 但我只是回应别人对我的观点的看法。
(原文) Look, I was just voicing my opinion of the changes and requested that it be changed back. I have tried other games and found some I like. I just don't play asteroids anymore cause it is no longer fun. There is no other reason to play a game. It's not winning or loosing that makes a game fun but the ability to get caught up in action. I apologize for getting sucked into this string, but I was just resoponding to others opinion of my opinions.
作者 Cardude
2008-01-08 00:27:48
回答 #23:
(由 Microsoft 翻译) 虽然表达你的意见是很自然的,但没有必要说你不再想玩游戏了。这是你自己的选择,但我们不需要知道。同时,我很高兴看到你找到了磁盘拍摄一个合适的替代品。
(原文) While it is natural to express your opinions, it was very unnecessary to say that you would not like to play the game anymore. It is your own choice, but we do not need to know about it. Meanwhile, I am glad to see you've found Disk Shooting a suitable replacement.
作者 Belldandy
2008-01-27 05:28:06
回答 #24:
(由 Microsoft 翻译) 我会玩磁盘拍摄, 直到它被改变, 变得不好玩。那就继续吧
(原文) I will play disk shooting until it is changed and becomes not fun. Then move on.
作者 Cardude
2008-02-06 06:26:02
回答 #25:
(由 Microsoft 翻译) 最明智的是:圣诞礼物是一个相当体面的游戏。试着在前几天有人得分的 26000 中超过!
(原文) Most wise:p Christmas gifts is a fairly decent game. Try and top the 26000 someone scored the other day!
作者 Belldandy
2008-02-08 11:19:17
回答 #25:
(由 Microsoft 翻译) 很高兴听到这个我还建议从这个论坛的帖子。
(原文) Good to hear that. I also recommend moving on from this forum post.
作者 Belldandy
2008-02-11 05:42:32
(由 Microsoft 翻译) 这次谈话是关于什么的?
(原文) What was this conversation about?
作者 Alex Gordillo
2019-11-15 15:56:08


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