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蒙特裡斯 2, 蒙特裡斯 3, 蒙特裡斯 4, 蒙特裡斯 5

作者 Piotr Grochowski
2021-07-31 03:26:59
Piotr Grochowski
(由 Microsoft 翻譯) 我正在做冠軍賽。原因是我認為現代特瑞斯規則應該保留。


最終,當我實施四種模式(蒙特裡斯 2,蒙特裡斯 3,蒙特裡斯 4,蒙特裡斯 5),我將上傳到公共功能變數名稱。有關每個變種的詳細資訊將在我發佈時顯示。
(原文) Montris 2, Montris 3, Montris 4, Montris 5

I am working on the title games. The reason is that I believe the modern Tetris rules should be preserved.

Modern Tetris has many interesting mechanics that allow for rapid play and various scoring strategies. One of the concepts is the concept of lock delay. What this means is that no matter how fast the gravity is, the piece can stay on the ground for some time until being locked, usually 30 frames (half a second). Furthermore, the lock delay resets on each move and rotation, though the amount of lock delay resets is limited to reduce infinite play. The concept of lock delay makes it feasible to use high gravity, 1G gravity being 1 space per frame, even up to 20G gravity where pieces immediately drop to the ground on every frame.

Eventually when I implement the four modes (Montris 2, Montris 3, Montris 4, Montris 5), I will upload it to the public domain. The details about each variant will be revealed when I release it.
作者 Piotr Grochowski
2021-07-31 03:26:59
Piotr Grochowski
(由 Microsoft 翻譯) 這裡是蒙特裡斯 2/3/4/5: https://tetrisimplementation.coosucks.repl.co/montris.html

Montris 2 保留了現代馬拉松比賽,每 10 條線路的水準就會增加一次,速度也會提高。15級是極其容易的,20級仍然很容易,但30級需要非常快速的運動。
蒙特裡斯 4 保留了現代超級遊戲, 以便在 2 分鐘內獲得最高分。
蒙特裡斯 5 保留特瑞斯大師, 每一塊增加水準 (除了在 99, 199, 299, 399, 499, 599, 699, 799, 899 和 998) 和每行明確計數的水準, 以及, 玩家必須達到水準 999 。

(原文) Here is the Montris 2/3/4/5: https://tetrisimplementation.coosucks.repl.co/montris.html

Montris 2 preserves the modern marathon game where the level increases every 10 lines and the speed increases as well. 15 levels is extremely easy, 20 levels still easy, but 30 levels requires extremely rapid movements.
Montris 3 preserves the modern sprint game in order to clear 40 lines as fast as possible.
Montris 4 preserves the modern ultra game in order to get the highest score in 2 minutes.
Montris 5 preserves Tetris The Grand Master where every piece increases the level (except at levels 99, 199, 299, 399, 499, 599, 699, 799, 899, and 998) and every line clear counts toward the level as well, and the player has to get to level 999.

@Novel Games, be sure to convert the source code to the New Flash Game System (HTML5), be sure to convert it as accurately as possible so as to preserve the modern rules (move reset lock delay, super rotation system, etc.) and keep in mind that Montris 5 intentionally deviates from some of the modern rules to preserve another game.
作者 Piotr Grochowski
2021-08-02 03:41:38
Piotr Grochowski
(由 Microsoft 翻譯) @Novel遊戲如果您已經下載了v1.0,請將其替換為v1.01,以便修復我和O montriminos的故障蒙特裡斯5保持生成位置。
(原文) @Novel Games If you have already downloaded v1.0, replace it with v1.01 so as to fix the glitchy Montris 5 hold spawn position of I and O montriminos.
作者 Piotr Grochowski
2021-08-02 19:19:05
Piotr Grochowski
(由 Microsoft 翻譯) 製作渲染器時,請務必包括遊戲場(x 座標向左增加,y 座標向上增加,我建議像我一樣顯示遊戲場上方的一些行)、時間、線條、水準、分數、件件以及最近的行清除事件(單、雙等),以及保留和接下來的六個預覽。轉換時保持內部遊戲相同。應該是60fps


蒙特裡斯2的完整描述應該是"這是'馬拉松'模式的線明確遊戲,以通過盡可能多的水準,在提高速度。在蒙特裡斯2號的比賽中,你的目標是旋轉蒙特里米諾,這樣它們就會填滿賽場上的行,然後被清除。當遊戲開始時,一個蒙特里米諾將從遊戲區的頂部下降,接下來的六個蒙特里米諾將顯示在右邊供您參考。您可以按鍵盤上的左右箭頭鍵移動 montrimino、硬落的上箭頭鍵、軟下降的向下箭頭鍵或順時針方向旋轉方塊的 X 鍵,或用於逆時針旋轉的 Z 鍵,以及用於按住 montrimino 的左移鍵(如左上圖所示),以及暫停的輸入鍵。當蒙古人填滿一整排時,它們將被清除出遊樂區。每 10 行的水準增加,速度也增加。到 20 層,每次 montrimino 到達地面時,您都會獲得 30 幀(半秒)的鎖定延遲。高於 20 層,鎖定延遲將減少,最終需要極快的移動進行。如果你把一個怪物完全放在遊戲場的上方,遊戲就會結束。

蒙特裡斯3的完整描述應該是「這是」衝刺『模式的線清除遊戲,以儘快清除40行。在蒙特裡斯3號的比賽中,你的目標是旋轉蒙特里米諾斯,以便儘快清除40條線。當遊戲開始時,一個蒙特里米諾將從遊戲區的頂部下降,接下來的六個蒙特里米諾將顯示在右邊供您參考。您可以按鍵盤上的左右箭頭鍵移動 montrimino、硬落的上箭頭鍵、軟下降的向下箭頭鍵或順時針方向旋轉方塊的 X 鍵,或用於逆時針旋轉的 Z 鍵,以及用於按住 montrimino 的左移鍵(如左上圖所示),以及暫停的輸入鍵。當蒙古人填滿一整排時,它們將被清除出遊樂區。要贏得比賽,你必須在遊戲開始后立即清除 40 行。如果你把一個怪物完全放在遊戲場的上方,遊戲就會結束。

蒙特裡斯4的完整描述應該是「這是『超』模式的線明確遊戲,以獲得最高分在2分鐘內。在蒙特裡斯4號的比賽中,你的目標是旋轉蒙特里米諾,這樣它們就會填滿賽場上的行,然後被清除。當遊戲開始時,一個蒙特里米諾將從遊戲區的頂部下降,接下來的六個蒙特里米諾將顯示在右邊供您參考。您可以按鍵盤上的左右箭頭鍵移動 montrimino、硬落的上箭頭鍵、軟下降的向下箭頭鍵或順時針方向旋轉方塊的 X 鍵,或用於逆時針旋轉的 Z 鍵,以及用於按住 montrimino 的左移鍵(如左上圖所示),以及暫停的輸入鍵。當蒙古人填滿一整排時,它們將被清除出遊樂區。你有2分鐘的時間獲得盡可能高的分數。一定要嘗試背靠背的 T 旋, 組合, 和完美的清除, 以增加分數。如果你把一個怪物完全放在遊戲場的上方,遊戲就會結束。

Montris 5 的完整描述應該是"這是線清除遊戲的'大師'模式,玩家必須達到999級。在蒙特裡斯2號的比賽中,你的目標是旋轉蒙特里米諾,這樣它們就會填滿賽場上的行,然後被清除。當遊戲開始時,一個蒙特里米諾將從遊戲區的頂部下降,接下來的六個蒙特里米諾將顯示在右邊供您參考。您可以按鍵盤上的左右箭頭鍵移動 montrimino、硬落的上箭頭鍵、軟下降的向下箭頭鍵或順時針方向旋轉方塊的 X 鍵,或用於逆時針旋轉的 Z 鍵,以及用於按住 montrimino 的左移鍵(如左上圖所示),以及暫停的輸入鍵。當蒙古人填滿一整排時,它們將被清除出遊樂區。每個放置的蒙特里米諾增加水準,每行清除也增加水準。然而,在99、199、299、399、499、599、699、799和899級,只有線清除數將計入該級別。此外,在998級,要達到999級,需要最後一行清除。高達 899 級,每次 Montrimino 到達地面時,您都會獲得 30 幀(半秒)的鎖定延遲。高於899層,鎖延遲減少到17幀,需要非常快速的移動進行。如果你把一個怪物完全放在遊戲場的上方,遊戲就會結束。
(原文) When you make the renderer, be sure to include the playfield (x coordinate increases to the left and y coordinate increases upwards, and I recommend showing some rows above the playfield like I did), the time, lines, level, score, pieces, and the recent line clear event (Single, Double, etc.) as well as the hold and six next previews. And keep the internal gameplay the same when converting. It should be 60fps. 

The ingame instructions should be "Control the blocks to fill the rows. Use left arrow to move left, right arrow to move right, up arrow to hard drop, down arrow to soft drop, Z to rotate left, X to rotate right, left shift to hold, and enter to pause. If you place a montrimino entirely above the playfield, the game is over."

The full description of Montris 2 should be "This is the 'marathon' mode of the line clear game, in order to get through as many levels as possible in increasing speed. In the game of Montris 2, your goal is to rotate the montriminos so that they fill the rows in the playfield and then be cleared. When the game starts, a montrimino will descend from the top of the play area, and the next six montriminos will be displayed on the right side for your reference. You can press the left and right arrow keys on your keyboard to move the montrimino, the up arrow key to hard drop, the down arrow key to soft drop, or X key to rotate the block in clockwise direction, or the Z key for counterclockwise rotation, and the left shift key to hold the montrimino (as shown in the top left), as well as the enter key to pause. When the montriminos fill a complete row, they will be cleared from the play area. Every 10 lines the level increases and so does the speed. Up to level 20, you will get 30 frames (half a second) of lock delay each time a montrimino reaches the ground. Above level 20, the lock delay will decrease, eventually requiring extremely rapid movements to proceed. If you place a montrimino entirely above the playfield, the game ends."

The full description of Montris 3 should be "This is the 'sprint' mode of the line clear game, in order to clear 40 lines as fast as possible. In the game of Montris 3, your goal is to rotate the montriminos so as to clear 40 lines as fast as possible. When the game starts, a montrimino will descend from the top of the play area, and the next six montriminos will be displayed on the right side for your reference. You can press the left and right arrow keys on your keyboard to move the montrimino, the up arrow key to hard drop, the down arrow key to soft drop, or X key to rotate the block in clockwise direction, or the Z key for counterclockwise rotation, and the left shift key to hold the montrimino (as shown in the top left), as well as the enter key to pause. When the montriminos fill a complete row, they will be cleared from the play area. To win the game, you have to quickly clear 40 lines as soon as the game starts. If you place a montrimino entirely above the playfield, the game ends."

The full description of Montris 4 should be "This is the 'ultra' mode of the line clear game, in order to get the highest score in 2 minutes. In the game of Montris 4, your goal is to rotate the montriminos so that they fill the rows in the playfield and then be cleared. When the game starts, a montrimino will descend from the top of the play area, and the next six montriminos will be displayed on the right side for your reference. You can press the left and right arrow keys on your keyboard to move the montrimino, the up arrow key to hard drop, the down arrow key to soft drop, or X key to rotate the block in clockwise direction, or the Z key for counterclockwise rotation, and the left shift key to hold the montrimino (as shown in the top left), as well as the enter key to pause. When the montriminos fill a complete row, they will be cleared from the play area. You have 2 minutes to get as high of a score as possible. Be sure to try out back to back T-spins, combos, and perfect clears to increase the score. If you place a montrimino entirely above the playfield, the game ends."

The full description of Montris 5 should be "This is the 'grand master' mode of the line clear game, where the player has to get to level 999. In the game of Montris 2, your goal is to rotate the montriminos so that they fill the rows in the playfield and then be cleared. When the game starts, a montrimino will descend from the top of the play area, and the next six montriminos will be displayed on the right side for your reference. You can press the left and right arrow keys on your keyboard to move the montrimino, the up arrow key to hard drop, the down arrow key to soft drop, or X key to rotate the block in clockwise direction, or the Z key for counterclockwise rotation, and the left shift key to hold the montrimino (as shown in the top left), as well as the enter key to pause. When the montriminos fill a complete row, they will be cleared from the play area. Each placed montrimino increases the level, and every line clear increases the level as well. However, at levels 99, 199, 299, 399, 499, 599, 699, 799, and 899, only line clears will count towards the level. Furthermore, at level 998, a final line clear is necessary to get to level 999. Up to level 899, you will get 30 frames (half a second) of lock delay each time a montrimino reaches the ground. Above level 899, the lock delay decreases to 17 frames, requiring extremely rapid movements to proceed. If you place a montrimino entirely above the playfield, the game ends."
作者 Piotr Grochowski
2021-08-02 21:12:17
Piotr Grochowski
(由 Microsoft 翻譯) 並保留蒙特里米諾的色彩主題:


(原文) And preserve the color theme of the montriminos:

Montris 2/3/4: green S, red Z, yellow O, cyan I, orange L, blue J, magenta T — this is the modern color theme.
Montris 5: magenta S, green Z, yellow O, red I, orange L, blue J, cyan T — this is the TGM color theme.

This is used by default in the demo.
作者 Piotr Grochowski
2021-08-03 03:44:51
Piotr Grochowski
(由 Microsoft 翻譯) @Novel遊戲Vista建議,要運行C++演示,您必須使用微軟視窗(英特爾電腦的微軟作業系統),2000年或更高版本。然而,最終的HTML5版本將跨平臺,就像所有遊戲在小說遊戲。
(原文) @Novel Games To run the C++ demo, you will have to use Microsoft Windows (a Microsoft operating system for Intel computers), 2000 or up, Vista recommended. However, the final HTML5 version will be cross-platform like with all the games on Novel Games.
作者 Piotr Grochowski
2021-08-04 01:55:20
Piotr Grochowski
(由 Microsoft 翻譯) @Novel遊戲說, 他們沒有玩演示, 但會發揮它時, 他們有時間。但時間的增強已經 在@Novel運動會了。
(原文) @Novel Games said they haven't played the demo but will play it when they have TIME. But the TIME power up is already in @Novel Games.
作者 Piotr Grochowski
2021-08-14 23:13:27
Piotr Grochowski
(由 Microsoft 翻譯) @Novel運動會如果您已經擁有 v1.0 或 v1.01,請務必將其替換為 v1.10。它改變了評分系統,並介紹了蒙特裡斯5死亡。由於許多經驗豐富的TGM球員會發現很容易達到999級在蒙特裡斯5,死亡模式必須引入,必須有一個單獨的排行榜,因此目前總共五個建議的遊戲。
(原文) @Novel Games If you already have v1.0 or v1.01, be sure to replace it with v1.10. It changes the scoring system and introduces Montris 5 Death. As many experienced TGM players will find it extremely easy to get to level 999 in Montris 5, the Death mode had to be introduced and must have a separate leaderboard therefore being a total of five suggested games for now.
作者 Piotr Grochowski
2021-08-17 03:11:03
Piotr Grochowski
(由 Microsoft 翻譯) 蒙特裡斯2的修訂描述:「這是線清晰遊戲的『馬拉松』模式,玩家必須通過盡可能多的水準,以增加速度。在蒙裡斯 2 的遊戲中, 你的目標是旋轉蒙特里米諾斯, 以便他們填補在賽場上的行, 然後被清除。遊戲開始時,蒙特里米諾將從遊戲區域頂部下降,接下來的六個蒙特里米諾將顯示在右側供您參考。七個蒙特里米諾是 I, J, L, O, S, T 和 Z 隨機順序。如果你把一個蒙特里米諾完全放在球場之上, 遊戲就結束了, 否則, 下一個蒙特里米諾將生成。生成七個蒙特里米諾之後,將生成七個蒙特里米諾的另一組隨機組。您可以按鍵盤上的左右箭頭鍵移動蒙特里米諾,向上箭頭鍵到硬落,向下箭頭鍵向軟下降,或 X 鍵在順時針方向旋轉蒙特里米諾,或 Z 鍵逆時針旋轉,左移鍵保持蒙特里米諾(如左上圖所示) 以及暫停的輸入金鑰。當蒙特里米諾斯填補了一個完整的行,他們將被清除從遊戲區:單為一行,雙為兩行,三為三線,蒙裡斯為四行。為了獲得更高的分數,您可以通過旋轉 T Montrimino 來清除線條,這樣旋轉後就不會發生任何運動,並且從 T Montrimino 中心旋轉的四個對角相鄰的米諾斯中至少有三個被覆蓋,這稱為 T-Spin。增加分數的另一種方法是清除與連續的蒙特里米諾斯,這被稱為組合的線條。如果在蒙特里斯或 T-Spin 之前清除的最後一行是另一個蒙里斯或 T-Spin,則會將其標記為背靠背,增加分數。每 10 行水準增加,速度也增加。高達20級,你將得到30幀(半秒)的鎖延遲,每次蒙特里米諾到達地面。鎖延遲可以通過移動或旋轉次數有限來重置。在 20 級以上,鎖延遲將減少,最終需要非常快速的移動才能繼續。

(原文) Revised description of Montris 2: "This is the 'marathon' mode of the line clear game, where the player has to pass through as many levels as possible in increasing speed. In the game of Montris 2, your goal is to rotate the Montriminos so that they fill the rows in the playfield and then be cleared. When the game starts, a Montrimino will descend from the top of the play area, and the next six Montriminos will be displayed on the right side for your reference. The seven Montriminos are I, J, L, O, S, T, and Z in a random order. If you place a Montrimino entirely above the playfield, the game ends, otherwise, the next Montrimino will spawn. After the seven Montriminos have been generated, another random set of the seven Montriminos will be generated. You can press the left and right arrow keys on your keyboard to move the Montrimino, the up arrow key to hard drop, the down arrow key to soft drop, or X key to rotate the Montrimino in clockwise direction, or the Z key for counterclockwise rotation, and the left shift key to hold the Montrimino (as shown in the top left), as well as the enter key to pause. When the Montriminos fill a complete row, they will be cleared from the play area: Single for one line, Double for two lines, Triple for three lines, and Montris for four lines. To get a higher score, you could clear lines by rotating the T Montrimino in such a way that no movement occurs after the rotation and at least three of the four diagonally adjacent Minos from the center of the T Montrimino are covered, and this is called a T-Spin. Another method to increase score is to clear lines with consecutive Montriminos, which is called a combo. If the last line clear before a Montris or T-Spin is another Montris or T-Spin, it will be marked as Back to Back, increasing the score. Every 10 lines the level increases and so does the speed. Up to level 20, you will get 30 frames (half a second) of lock delay each time a Montrimino reaches the ground. The lock delay may be reset by a move or rotation a limited number of times. Above level 20, the lock delay will decrease, eventually requiring extremely rapid movements to proceed."

作者 Piotr Grochowski
2021-08-28 20:11:39
Piotr Grochowski
回答 #7:
(由 Microsoft 翻譯) 我不認為他們在談論時間通電...
(原文) I don't think they're talking about the time power-up...
作者 Alex Gordillo
2023-10-20 04:39:37
Piotr Grochowski
回答 #10:
(由 Microsoft 翻譯)
“現在打開Montris2.cpp 檔,轉到'遊戲內'功能,然後繼續轉換。”
@Novel Games:“不,我們還沒有。有時間我們會這樣做的。

"Now open the Montris2.cpp file, go to the 'ingame' function, and proceed to convert."
"Have you played the demo and opened the source code?"
@Novel Games: "No we haven't yet. We will do that when we have time."

So they were talking about TIME after all.
作者 Piotr Grochowski
2023-10-20 21:06:31


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