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作者 Novel Games
2020-12-20 14:53:52
Novel Games
(由 Microsoft 翻译) 正如你们中的一些人所清楚的(和抱怨的),我们最近更新了我们游戏的单词列表。我们这样做的首先是为了提高单词列表的质量。过去,有时允许缩写,并包括一些晦涩难懂的单词。此外,一些简单和常见的词被遗漏了。我们想改变这种状况。

这个世界上有很多词。例如,在拼字游戏中,有超过 270000 个单词可以接受。在我们的游戏中使用该列表是不合适的,因为在某些游戏中,如 Word Grid 和 Word Scramble II,玩家需要找出所有单词,要求玩家知道一些最不寻常的单词完全是错误的。

经过大量研究,我们决定将单词列表建立在使用频率数据的基础上。因此,我们的列表将只包含"相当常见"的词语。但是,没有 100% 准确的频率数据,因此我们的单词列表仍然存在一些问题。我们将听取您的意见,如果有您认为应该包括或应该删除的话,请通过在此帖子中发布告知我们。

将来,我们将更新Word Grid和Word Scramble II等游戏,以便您只被要求制作"相当常见"的单词,如果您能够制作出有效但不常见的单词,我们将奖励您一笔特别的奖金。我们相信这将是最好的办法。然而,这种变化并不简单。由于世界上有太多的单词,我们需要开发一个新的架构、数据结构和内存管理,以支持这一点。

(原文) Word List Update

As some of you are well aware (and complained), we have recently updated the word lists of our games. The reason we do this in the first place is to increase the quality of the word list. In the past, abbreviations are sometimes allowed and some obscure words are included. Also, some easy and common words are missed out. We want to change that.

There are many words in this world. In Scrabble for example, there are more than 270000 words that can be accepted. It is inappropriate to use that list in our games, because in some games such as Word Grid and Word Scramble II, the player need to figure out all the words and it is simply wrong to request the player to know some of the most uncommon words.

After a lot of research, we decided to base our word list on use frequency data. So our list will only include words that are "quite common". However, there is no 100% accurate frequency data, so there are still some problems with our word list. We will listen to you and if there are words that you think should be included or should be removed, please let us know by posting in this thread.

In the future, we will update games like Word Grid and Word Scramble II so that you are only requested to make the words that are "quite common", and if you can make a word that is valid but not common, we will reward you with a special bonus. We believe this will be the best way to go. This change, however, is not simple. As there are just too many words in this world and we need to develop a new architecture and data structure and memory management in order to support that.

Thank you. And once again if you think some words should be added or removed, please post in this thread, thank you.
作者 Novel Games
2020-12-20 14:53:52
Novel Games
(由 Microsoft 翻译) 是坏了??????
(原文) Was it broken ??????
作者 Greg1
2020-12-21 01:14:09
Novel Games
(由 Microsoft 翻译) Ail, Ails, Lain, nit, 尼特, 尼特, 闷闷不乐, 拖把, 运行, pert 。 我会添加更多, 因为我发现他们被拒绝。如果每个人都这样做,我们应该能够建立一个良好的世界名单。
(原文) Ail, Ails, Lain, nit, nits, mope, mopes, runt, pert. I will add more as I find them rejected. If everyone does this we should be able to build up a good world list.
作者 Marnie Rogers
2020-12-21 09:02:04
Novel Games
回答 #1:
(由 Microsoft 翻译) 感谢您的回复, 但程序工作得这么好之前, 我不明白为什么一开始会做出改变。这当然不是一个改进,从用户谁不满意的变化的评论可以看到。
(原文) Thanks for the response, but the program was working so well before that I don't understand why a change was made in the first place. It was certainly not an improvement as can be seen by the comments by users who are NOT pleased with the change.
作者 Dominus
2020-12-21 09:19:48
Novel Games
(由 Microsoft 翻译) 你用 "相当常见的词" 这个词, 然后 "Doe" "Tine" "Lain" "Hew" "李" "Ere" "Lain" "Tho" 等, 它们一点也不常见词吗?"OLE"这个词有时可以被接受,但有时这个词是"没有这样的词"!很奇怪, 只是想知道你的 "常用词" 的标准是什么, 我很困惑。
(原文) You used the phrase "quite common words", well then "DOE" "TINE" "LAIN" "HEW" "LEE" "ERE" "LAIN" "THO" etc are they not common words at all? Also a strange thing the word "OLE" is sometimes can be accepted but sometimes this word is "no such word"! Very strange and just wonder what is your standard for "common words", I'm rather confused.
作者 lailing
2020-12-21 14:24:37
Novel Games
回答 #5:
(由 Microsoft 翻译) @lailing,"相当普遍"是基于频率数据的使用频率。显然,它不是很准确。

(原文) @lailing , "quite common" is based on the frequency of use in the frequency data. Apparently it is not very accurate. 

We have updated the word list and also added the feature about bonus words. I believe you should now be able to enjoy the game better.
作者 Novel Games
2020-12-22 10:51:28
Novel Games
(由 Microsoft 翻译) 当我们获得"奖金"时,"奖金"会给我们什么?谢谢
(原文) What does the "bonus" give us when we get the "bonus"? Thank you
作者 Jennifer Solis
2020-12-23 04:52:40
Novel Games
回答 #7:
(由 Microsoft 翻译) @Jennifer索利斯,你会得到一个额外的消息。因此,如果另一个玩家得到与你完全相同的单词,但无法获得奖励词,您将排名更高。
(原文) @Jennifer Solis , you get an extra word. Therefore, you will rank higher if another player gets the exact same words as you but could not get the bonus word.
作者 Novel Games
2020-12-23 12:01:29
Novel Games
(由 Microsoft 翻译) 嗯.我刚做拼图, 我错过了一个词是 "cunt" 。你真的认为这是一个合适的词吗?这是相当粗俗的。我可以提供一个屏幕截图,如果你想。
(原文) Um. I just worked the puzzle, and a word I missed was "cunt". Do you really think this is an appropriate word? It is quite vulgar. I can provide a screen shot if you wish.
作者 Jennifer Solis
2020-12-25 07:02:09
Novel Games
回答 #1:
(由 Microsoft 翻译) 这是一项艰巨的任务。你有没有考虑过让球员直接进入名单?
(原文) This is a huge task. Have you considered giving the players a direct access to the list ?
作者 educmat
2020-12-26 20:20:55
Novel Games
回答 #9:
(由 Microsoft 翻译) @Jennifer索利斯,这个词不应该在那里。很抱歉出现错误。我们已经更新了游戏。

(原文) @Jennifer Solis , that word is not supposed to be there. Sorry about the error. We have updated the game.

Thank you for telling us about the problem.
作者 Novel Games
2020-12-27 10:20:59
Novel Games
(由 Microsoft 翻译) 原来的单词列表是翻译汉字列表吗?
(原文) Was the original word list made by translating a list of kanji?
作者 Piotr Grochowski
2021-01-15 05:15:50
Novel Games
回答 #12:
(由 Microsoft 翻译) @Piotr格罗霍夫斯基,不,当然不是。无法通过翻译汉字创建单词列表
(原文) @Piotr Grochowski , no, of course not. It is not possible to create a word list by translating kanji
作者 Novel Games
2021-01-15 18:59:32
Novel Games
(原文) Notice how in https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=&sl=ja&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fpastebin.com%2Fraw%2F8A4Hjkk7&sandbox=1 , the translation makes words appear in the list.
作者 Piotr Grochowski
2021-01-18 04:46:47
Novel Games
回答 #14:
(由 Microsoft 翻译) @Piotr格罗霍夫斯基,我明白了。但是,不,这不是创建单词列表的好方法。
(原文) @Piotr Grochowski , I see. But no this is not a good way to create word lists.
作者 Novel Games
2021-01-18 13:32:22
Novel Games
回答 #15:
(由 Microsoft 翻译) 没错, 这就是为什么丢失这个词已经更新
(原文) Exactly, which is why the word lost has been updated
作者 Piotr Grochowski
2021-01-18 14:19:22
Novel Games
回答 #16:
(由 Microsoft 翻译) *列表
(原文) *list
作者 Piotr Grochowski
2021-01-18 14:19:42
Novel Games
回答 #11:
(由 Microsoft 翻译) 我刚刚玩了游戏, 但游戏仍然让你得到 c 字。
(原文) I just played the game but the game still lets you get to the c word. 
作者 TyphoonCarriage123
2021-01-22 08:52:01
Novel Games
回答 #18:
(由 Microsoft 翻译) @TyphoonCarriage123,你能告诉我这是哪个游戏,是哪个"c字",以便我们可以仔细检查吗?
(原文) @TyphoonCarriage123 , can you tell me which game it is and which "c word" it is so that we can double check?
作者 Novel Games
2021-01-26 11:25:29
Novel Games
(由 Microsoft 翻译) 它错过了 "尼姆布斯" 。我仍然对自己的分数感觉很好, 想因为错过了 "杜布"而自打自己吗?
(原文)  It missed out on `nimbus`. I still feel pretty good about my score, and want to smack myself for having missed `dub`?
作者 Minion of Solitude
2021-01-27 21:53:16
Novel Games
回答 #19:
(由 Microsoft 翻译) 字变压器仍然允许你得到 cunt 。
(原文) Word transformer still allows you to get to cunt.
作者 TyphoonCarriage123
2021-01-29 23:40:48
Novel Games
回答 #1:
(由 Microsoft 翻译) 就像变化一样以前有些常用词不被接受。现在他们.我也喜欢奖金词。为什么不接受以下单词 -

(原文) Like  the changes. Before some common words weren't accepted. Now they are. I also like the bonus words. Why aren't the following words accepted - 
gelled as in gelled hair, thymus (gland), dilled as in dilled carrots or dilled salmon??? . Ela

作者 Gookie
2021-01-30 19:48:08
Novel Games
回答 #21:
(由 Microsoft 翻译) @TyphoonCarriage123,我明白了。在我们的词游戏不当的话有不同的水平。对于最不恰当的词,如f*ck,它完全从我们的字典中删除,我们假装这个词不存在。对于不太不恰当的词语,我们仍然识别它们,但它们并没有被积极使用。c*nt 一词属于这一类。


(原文) @TyphoonCarriage123 , I see. In our word games inappropriate words have different levels. For the most inappropriate words, such as f*ck, it is completely removed from our dictionary, we pretend that the word does not exist. For less inappropriate words, we still recognize them, but they are not used actively. The word c*nt belongs to this category. 

In word transformer, that word will not be used as the start and target words, and is also not necessary in any step of the transformation. But if the player knows that word, it is still treated as valid.

作者 Novel Games
2021-02-02 18:36:25
Novel Games
(由 Microsoft 翻译) 单词列表的特性之一是合并多个单词列表可用于创建更大的单词列表。因此,如果我们在电子表格中跟踪单词及其来自哪个列表,则由此产生的单词列表可以按主题进行筛选。此洞察将允许根据每个特定游戏的必要内容个性化单词列表。
(原文) One of the properties of word list is that merging multiple word lists could be used to create a bigger word list. If we therefore keep track of words and which list they came from in a spreadsheet, the resulting word list could therefore be filtered by theme. This insight will allow personalizing word lists according to what is necessary for each particular game.
作者 Piotr Grochowski
2021-08-25 16:04:07
Novel Games
(由 Microsoft 翻译) 我提交了我在2021-08-26中制作的单词列表。
(原文) I submitted a word list that I made in 2021-08-26.
作者 Piotr Grochowski
2022-02-28 21:35:43
Novel Games
回答 #6:
(由 Microsoft 翻译) 是这样吗?
(原文) そうか??
作者 みっちー
2022-05-19 13:40:25
Novel Games
回答 #25:
(由 Microsoft 翻译) 桑库

(原文) サンキュ

作者 みっちー
2022-05-19 13:40:50
Novel Games
回答 #10:
(由 Microsoft 翻译) 你为什么这么问?
(原文) Why you ask this?
作者 GGY GTse
2023-08-20 15:44:07
Novel Games
回答 #27:
(由 Microsoft 翻译) 非常非常非常非常
(原文) Very very very very
作者 GGY GTse
2023-08-20 15:45:09
Novel Games
回答 #29:
(由 Microsoft 翻译) 非常非常非常 
(原文) Very very very very very very er egregious very very very very very e Rey very very very very very very very 
作者 GGY GTse
2023-08-24 15:47:29
Novel Games
回答 #1:
(由 Microsoft 翻译) 我没有抱怨,但如果有机会,我会抱怨的。作为一个 60 岁的人,我发现评论过程很难做到。  单词网格显然是基于美式英语,澳大利亚人倾向于使用英式英语,但肯定可以包括这两种拼写吗? 

我真正的抱怨是复数的刺激,实际上任何形式的英语都不允许使用复数。(英语中充斥着拼写/语法规则的例外情况。对不起,我想不出任何,也没有尝试记录我的烦恼,因为我只是不确定这是否值得付出努力,因为我的个人生活中发生了所有事情。实际上,这在“填字游戏”中更糟。  美式英语包括一些不正确的复数形式,但没有我曾经在你的谜题中发现的那么多。尝试根据字典检查单词,而不是使用频率算法或技术。

 过去,我确实玩得很开心,在Facebook上查找并发布一些简短的(3-4个字母)单词,这些单词并不常见。这很有教育意义——我喜欢找出新单词并在 Facebook 上与我的朋友分享词源。这也很有趣,有一些更老的词。这些谜题可以成为教育的绝佳工具,如果您允许不经常使用的单词。:)否则,我们正在使我们的人口变得愚蠢。

(原文) I didn't complain, but would have, if I'd had the chance. As a 60 year old, I find the commenting process difficult to do.  Word grid is clearly based on American English, Australians tend to use British English, but surely both spellings could be included? 

One real gripe I have is the irritation of plurals that actually aren't allowed in any form of the English language. (English is just riddled with exceptions to spelling/grammatical rules.) Sorry, I can't think of any, nor did I make much of an attempt of recording my irritations, as I just wasn't sure it was worth the effort, with all the things happening in my personal life. Actually, this is worse in 'Crossword Scramble.')  American English includes some of these incorrect plurals, but not as many, as I have found in your puzzles at one time or another. Try checking the words against a dictionary, instead of using a frequency algorithm or technique.

Also, if we just allow 'common words', how are we to learn anything?
 In the past, I have definitely had some fun, looking up and posting (on Facebook) some of your short (3-4 letters) words, which are not really in common usage. It was educational - I love finding out new words and sharing the etymology with my friends on Facebook. it as also funny, with some older words. These puzzles can be a wonderful tool for education, if you allow words that are not often used. :) Otherwise, we are dumbing down our population.
Also, frequency of use can include words used that are incorrect, so this is a huge hazard you need to be aware of!

作者 Janet Appleyard
2024-01-26 14:43:24
Novel Games
回答 #31:
(由 Microsoft 翻译) @Janet Appleyard ,谢谢你的建议。我们的文字游戏应该包括美式英语和英式英语的拼写,复数应该是正确的。如果您发现不正确或未包含的单词,您能否向我们发送屏幕截图,以便我们查看和调查?
(原文) @Janet Appleyard , thank you for your suggestion. Our word games should include spellings of both American English and British English, and the plurals should be correct. If you find words that are incorrect or not included, can you send us a screenshot so that we can take a look and investigate?
作者 Novel Games
2024-01-29 11:15:33


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